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Solid Full Metal Design

퀄리티, 신뢰성, 내구성의 3박자를 갖춘 풀 메탈 디자인


아낌없는 풀 메탈 구조는 사용자에게 안정적인 묵직함과 견고함을 증명합니다.


엄격한 품질관리와 프리미엄 소재 사용으로 최고의 내구성을 통해 여러분의 심레이싱 커리어의 요람부터 무덤까지 함께 합니다.

Realistic Functionality and Feeling

집에서도 트랙에서 주행하는 느낌 그대로 레이싱 엔터테인먼트를 즐겨보세요


포르쉐 911과 같이 전통적인 7단 H쉬프터를 채택했습니다. 기어봉을 누른 상태에서 7단 기어나 후진기어를 넣을 수 있도록 락킹 메커니즘을 구현해 변속 실수를 사전에 방지합니다.


클럽스포츠 SQ 쉬프터는 H쉬프터와 시퀀셜 모드 전환이 가능하며 유저에게 유연성과 더 넓은 선택지를 제공합니다.
스위치를 통해 원하는 모드로 전환하면 끝입니다. 쉬프터 연결을 해제하거나 재부팅 할 필요가 없습니다.

Adapt The Knob to Your Preferences

CSS는 여러분의 운전이 더 편안하도록 디자인 되었고, 얼마를 기대하든 그 이상의 성능을 제공합니다.

H-Knob and Sequential Knob

그레이 컬러의 아노다이징 처리된 2가지 기어 노브를 제공합니다. H-Knob는 빠른 변속을, 시퀀셜 노브는 최상의 편안함을 제공합니다.

Standard Mount for Automotive Knobs

개인마다 취향이 다르다는 생각은 당연하게 설계에 반영되곤 합니다. 각자의 취향에 맞는 서드파티 기어 노브의 장착도 가능합니다.


  • 풀 메탈 구조
  • 현실적인 쉬프팅 경험제공
  • 7단 H쉬프터 모드
  • 록킹 메커니즘을 통한 후진과 7단 변속의 실수를 방지하여 더 현실적입니다.
  • 시퀀셜 모드는 사실적이며 손으로 느껴지는 피드백이 강합니다.
  • 시퀀셜 모드와 H-패턴 모드를 쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.
  • 쉬프터 노브는 유광 알루미늄 소재로 만들어졌습니다.
  • 교환식 기어 노브로, 인기있는 차량 노브와도 호환됩니다.
  • 쉬프터 필링과 저항을 조절할 수 있습니다.
  • 4개 측면과 하단에 여러 개의 장착 옵션이 있습니다.


  • > PC: 클럽스포츠 쉬프터 SQ는 대부분의 게임에서 사용가능합니다.(쉬프터 포트가 있는 Fanatec 제품에 연결된 경우). 연결된 제품의 상세 페이지에서 호환성 세부 정보를 확인하십시오.
  • > Consoles: 클럽스포츠 쉬프터 SQ는 파나텍 휠 베이스/레이싱 휠을 통해 연결된 경우 쉬프터를 지원하는 게임에서 게임 콘솔에 사용할 수 있습니다. 콘솔로 연결되는 파나텍 제품의 상세 페이지에서 정보를 확인하십시오. 파나텍 USB 어댑터를 통해 연결 할 경우 콘솔에서 사용할 수 없습니다.
IMPORTANT: 클럽 스포츠 쉬프터 SQ를 사용하려면 다음 제품 중 하나에 연결해야 합니다:
  • > 모든 파나텍 휠 베이스/레이싱 휠
  • > 파나텍 USB 어댑터(옵션구매): 어댑터를 사용하면 PC에서 모든 브랜드의 레이싱 휠(예: Logitech G29 / G920, 트러스트마스터 TX)과 함께 사용할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 의 제품 상세 페이지를 참조하십시오.파나텍 USB 어댑터


> IMPORTANT: This product can be operated when connected to a Fanatec Wheel Base or as a standalone device on PC using the ClubSport USB adapter.
> 7th gear only detected if the shifter is connected to a ClubSport / CSL Elite Wheel Base or with the ClubSport USB Adapter


Dimensions (L x W x H) 38cm x 23cm x 18cm
Weight 3.28kg
Volume weight 3.15kg


  • ClubSport Shifter SQ
  • H-knob
  • Sequential knob
  • 2 x connector cables
    • PS/2 - RJ12  40cm (15.75 Inch)
    • RJ12 - RJ12  115cm (45.25 Inch)
    • RJ12 - RJ12  40cm (15.75 Inch)


Platform PC, PS4 Ready, XBox One Ready
Hardmount On all sides
USB Connectivity With optional adapter
Knobs H-knob, Sequential knob
Shifter mode 7-speed H-pattern + reverse, Sequential
Adjustability Resistance, Shift feeling

Driver (for PC)
You will have to plug the shifter into a compatible Fanatec product with dedicated shifter port by RJ12 cable connection. Following this, there are no individual drivers for this shifter and the driver of the Fanatec product it are connected to will also support it. Please check and download the concerned driver, e.g. for your Fanatec wheel. 

Drilling template – additional information:

1. When printing the Drilling Template at home, please make sure that the print size is 100% (file size = print size). Therefore deactivate “automatic page scaling” in the print dialog for example.
2. Before drilling the holes, please check if the hole marks on your printed Drilling Template fit to the screw holes of your pedals.


H-Mode gears are not detected properly

Before first use the the ClubSport Shifter (CSS) and the H-gated shifter (7GS) must be calibrated to work properly to ensure a proper detection of all gears. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed. Please the related FAQ article or the manual of the wheel you are using to see how this is done.

Please also notice that the 7th (locked) gear of the CSS is not supported by Porsche and CSR Wheels!

Wheel bases not recognised in Steam games

Follow these steps to potentially solve the problem:

  1. Open the Steam application
  2. Select “View”
  3. Select “Settings”
  4. Select “Controller”
  5. In “General Controller Settings”, uncheck the checkbox for “Generic Gamepad Configuration Support”.

If the issue persists, reinstall the Steam Client.

How to calibrate the H-Shifter (CSS & 7GS) on ClubSport Wheel & CSL Wheel Bases

Before first use the H-gated shifter must be calibrated to work properly. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed.

1. Connect the H-gated shifter to “shifter port 1” of your wheel
2. Power the wheel on
3. Wait until auto-calibration and boot sequence are finished
4. Press “Tuning Button” + “Start Button” simulanously (the position of these buttons may vary depending on the CSW rim you are using!)
Display will show G_n
5. Move the shifter into neutral position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_r
6. Move the shifter into reverse gear position (push stick to the very left position and up) and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_1
7. Move the shifter into first gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_2
8. Move the shifter into second gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_3
9. Move the shifter into third gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_4
10. Move the shifter into fourth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_5
11. Move the shifter into fith gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_6
12. Move the shifter into sixth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_7
13.1 Move the shifter into seventh gear position and press “Start Button”
13.2 If your Shifter does not have a 7th gear keep the shifter in 6th position and press “Start Button”
Display will turn off again -> Calibration done!

The best way to check the calibration is to open the driver menu on PC to check if the right gears are engaged. If the game on PC still does not shift into the right gears please check the ingame button mapping! You can also see the process in our Video Manual:

Windows XP support discontinued

Since Microsoft dropped their own support (April 2014) of Windows XP after more than 13 years we are not longer able to support this PC platform. The last wheels/pedals/shifter driver which supports Windows XP is driver 144. Later driver versions use new software technology which is just not possible on Windows XP.

If your hardware or a new firmware requires a newer operation system we only can recommend to upgrade your Windows operating system to a newer version which will not be outdated for a longer while.

7th gear cannot be calibrated/used on my wheel

All Porsche and CSR Wheels do not support the 7th (locked) gear of the ClubSport Shifter shifter. Only the ClubSport Wheel and later products will support all gears of the ClubSport Shifter. Sadly this cannot be solved by a new firmware. The gears R-6 kann be used perfectly normal on all Fanatec CSR and Porsche Wheels on any platform.

On the Playstation 3 the 7th gear is not supported in general.

CSS (SQ) knob thread dimension

Which dimension does the shifter knob mounting thread of the ClubSport Shifter (SQ) have?

It is an M12x1.5 20mm screw thread to mount various shifter knobs. Here, 1.5 mm is the thread pitch.

NOTE: Some aftermarket shifter knobs may have a thread pitch of 1.75 mm. Therefore, it is important to be sure of the thread pitch which must be 1.5 mm.

How to calibrate the CSS / CSS V1.5 on PC with a CS USB Adapter

You can use the Clubsport USB Adapter in Shifter, Handbrake or Pedal mode. This video tutorial shows you how to flash the right firmware and explains how to calibrate the shifter afterwards:


The ClubSport Shifter needs to be calibrated before first use, no matter to which device (USB Adapter, Wheel Base) you connect it. The calibration will be stored inside this device and not inside the shifter. After the firmware of a wheel base or of the ClubSport Shifter is updated, the calibration would have to be re-done.

CSS (SQ) reverse gear does not get detected in games

8. February 2014:

The reverse gear does not get properly detected in games after the CSS (SQ) was properly calibrated in the driver window. We need to update the firmware to resolve the problem. Right now we prepare a new driver, a new firmware and an updater-tool to flash the ClubSport USB adapter as easily as possible. We hope that the software can be released within the next two weeks.

This FAQ article will be updated and the files will be uploaded to the download section of the ClubSport USB adapter.


Update – 13. February 2014:

A new beta driver has been released which contains a firmware updater to solve the issue. Please check this FAQ article to get the file:
FAQ article – latest beta driver

How to calibrate the H-Shifter (7GS & CSS) on the Porsche GT2 Wheel

Before first use the H-gated shifter (CSS & 7GS) must be calibrated to work properly. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed.

This procedure is also explained (incl. pictures) in the full downloadable manual of the product!

1. Connect the shifter to the shifter port of your wheel
2. Power the wheel on
3. Set the wheel into PC mode (press “Back” Button)
USB cable must be connected to engage the PC mode. For calibration you can connect the USB cable also to the Xbox 360 but the cable will NOT be needed later on for playing.
4. Press “Tuning Button” + “Start Button” simulanously
Display will show G_n
5. Move 7GS (shifter) into neutral position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_r
6. Move 7GS into reverse gear position (push stick to the very left position and up) and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_1
7. Move 7GS into first gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_2
8. Move 7GS into second gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_3
9. Move 7GS into third gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_4
10. Move 7GS into fourth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_5
11. Move 7GS into fith gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_6
12. Move 7GS into sixth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will turn off again -> Calibration done!

The best way to check the function of the 7GS is the driver Window on PC. Just open the Fanatec Wheel propeties page and check if the right gears are shown in sofware when you shift through the gears. In PC games you will have to map the gears to the proper controls in the game menu.

How to calibrate the H-Shifter (7GS and CSS) on CSR (Elite) Wheels

Before first use the H-gated shifter (7GS or CSS) must be calibrated to work properly. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed.

1. Connect the shifter to the shifter port of your wheel
2. Power the wheel on
3. Set the wheel into PC mode (press “Back” Button)
USB cable must be connected to engage the PC mode. For calibration you can connect the USB cable also to the Xbox 360 but the cable will NOT be needed later on for playing.
4. Press “Tuning Button” + “Start Button” simulanously
Display will show G_n
5. Move 7GS (shifter) into neutral position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_r
6. Move 7GS into reverse gear position (push stick to the very left position and up) and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_1
7. Move 7GS into first gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_2
8. Move 7GS into second gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_3
9. Move 7GS into third gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_4
10. Move 7GS into fourth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_5
11. Move 7GS into fith gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_6
12. Move 7GS into sixth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will turn off again -> Calibration done!

You can also see the process in our Video Manual. The process works identically on CSR and CSR Elite Wheels.

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Solid Full Metal Design

퀄리티, 신뢰성, 내구성의 3박자를 갖춘 풀 메탈 디자인


아낌없는 풀 메탈 구조는 사용자에게 안정적인 묵직함과 견고함을 증명합니다.


엄격한 품질관리와 프리미엄 소재 사용으로 최고의 내구성을 통해 여러분의 심레이싱 커리어의 요람부터 무덤까지 함께 합니다.

Realistic Functionality and Feeling

집에서도 트랙에서 주행하는 느낌 그대로 레이싱 엔터테인먼트를 즐겨보세요


포르쉐 911과 같이 전통적인 7단 H쉬프터를 채택했습니다. 기어봉을 누른 상태에서 7단 기어나 후진기어를 넣을 수 있도록 락킹 메커니즘을 구현해 변속 실수를 사전에 방지합니다.


클럽스포츠 SQ 쉬프터는 H쉬프터와 시퀀셜 모드 전환이 가능하며 유저에게 유연성과 더 넓은 선택지를 제공합니다.
스위치를 통해 원하는 모드로 전환하면 끝입니다. 쉬프터 연결을 해제하거나 재부팅 할 필요가 없습니다.

Adapt The Knob to Your Preferences

CSS는 여러분의 운전이 더 편안하도록 디자인 되었고, 얼마를 기대하든 그 이상의 성능을 제공합니다.

H-Knob and Sequential Knob

그레이 컬러의 아노다이징 처리된 2가지 기어 노브를 제공합니다. H-Knob는 빠른 변속을, 시퀀셜 노브는 최상의 편안함을 제공합니다.

Standard Mount for Automotive Knobs

개인마다 취향이 다르다는 생각은 당연하게 설계에 반영되곤 합니다. 각자의 취향에 맞는 서드파티 기어 노브의 장착도 가능합니다.


  • 풀 메탈 구조
  • 현실적인 쉬프팅 경험제공
  • 7단 H쉬프터 모드
  • 록킹 메커니즘을 통한 후진과 7단 변속의 실수를 방지하여 더 현실적입니다.
  • 시퀀셜 모드는 사실적이며 손으로 느껴지는 피드백이 강합니다.
  • 시퀀셜 모드와 H-패턴 모드를 쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.
  • 쉬프터 노브는 유광 알루미늄 소재로 만들어졌습니다.
  • 교환식 기어 노브로, 인기있는 차량 노브와도 호환됩니다.
  • 쉬프터 필링과 저항을 조절할 수 있습니다.
  • 4개 측면과 하단에 여러 개의 장착 옵션이 있습니다.


  • > PC: 클럽스포츠 쉬프터 SQ는 대부분의 게임에서 사용가능합니다.(쉬프터 포트가 있는 Fanatec 제품에 연결된 경우). 연결된 제품의 상세 페이지에서 호환성 세부 정보를 확인하십시오.
  • > Consoles: 클럽스포츠 쉬프터 SQ는 파나텍 휠 베이스/레이싱 휠을 통해 연결된 경우 쉬프터를 지원하는 게임에서 게임 콘솔에 사용할 수 있습니다. 콘솔로 연결되는 파나텍 제품의 상세 페이지에서 정보를 확인하십시오. 파나텍 USB 어댑터를 통해 연결 할 경우 콘솔에서 사용할 수 없습니다.
IMPORTANT: 클럽 스포츠 쉬프터 SQ를 사용하려면 다음 제품 중 하나에 연결해야 합니다:
  • > 모든 파나텍 휠 베이스/레이싱 휠
  • > 파나텍 USB 어댑터(옵션구매): 어댑터를 사용하면 PC에서 모든 브랜드의 레이싱 휠(예: Logitech G29 / G920, 트러스트마스터 TX)과 함께 사용할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 의 제품 상세 페이지를 참조하십시오.파나텍 USB 어댑터


> IMPORTANT: This product can be operated when connected to a Fanatec Wheel Base or as a standalone device on PC using the ClubSport USB adapter.
> 7th gear only detected if the shifter is connected to a ClubSport / CSL Elite Wheel Base or with the ClubSport USB Adapter


Dimensions (L x W x H) 38cm x 23cm x 18cm
Weight 3.28kg
Volume weight 3.15kg


  • ClubSport Shifter SQ
  • H-knob
  • Sequential knob
  • 2 x connector cables
    • PS/2 - RJ12  40cm (15.75 Inch)
    • RJ12 - RJ12  115cm (45.25 Inch)
    • RJ12 - RJ12  40cm (15.75 Inch)


Platform PC, PS4 Ready, XBox One Ready
Hardmount On all sides
USB Connectivity With optional adapter
Knobs H-knob, Sequential knob
Shifter mode 7-speed H-pattern + reverse, Sequential
Adjustability Resistance, Shift feeling
Downloads for “ClubSport Shifter SQ V 1.5”

Driver (for PC)
You will have to plug the shifter into a compatible Fanatec product with dedicated shifter port by RJ12 cable connection. Following this, there are no individual drivers for this shifter and the driver of the Fanatec product it are connected to will also support it. Please check and download the concerned driver, e.g. for your Fanatec wheel. 

Drilling template – additional information:

1. When printing the Drilling Template at home, please make sure that the print size is 100% (file size = print size). Therefore deactivate “automatic page scaling” in the print dialog for example.
2. Before drilling the holes, please check if the hole marks on your printed Drilling Template fit to the screw holes of your pedals.


H-Mode gears are not detected properly

Before first use the the ClubSport Shifter (CSS) and the H-gated shifter (7GS) must be calibrated to work properly to ensure a proper detection of all gears. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed. Please the related FAQ article or the manual of the wheel you are using to see how this is done.

Please also notice that the 7th (locked) gear of the CSS is not supported by Porsche and CSR Wheels!

Wheel bases not recognised in Steam games

Follow these steps to potentially solve the problem:

  1. Open the Steam application
  2. Select “View”
  3. Select “Settings”
  4. Select “Controller”
  5. In “General Controller Settings”, uncheck the checkbox for “Generic Gamepad Configuration Support”.

If the issue persists, reinstall the Steam Client.

How to calibrate the H-Shifter (CSS & 7GS) on ClubSport Wheel & CSL Wheel Bases

Before first use the H-gated shifter must be calibrated to work properly. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed.

1. Connect the H-gated shifter to “shifter port 1” of your wheel
2. Power the wheel on
3. Wait until auto-calibration and boot sequence are finished
4. Press “Tuning Button” + “Start Button” simulanously (the position of these buttons may vary depending on the CSW rim you are using!)
Display will show G_n
5. Move the shifter into neutral position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_r
6. Move the shifter into reverse gear position (push stick to the very left position and up) and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_1
7. Move the shifter into first gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_2
8. Move the shifter into second gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_3
9. Move the shifter into third gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_4
10. Move the shifter into fourth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_5
11. Move the shifter into fith gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_6
12. Move the shifter into sixth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_7
13.1 Move the shifter into seventh gear position and press “Start Button”
13.2 If your Shifter does not have a 7th gear keep the shifter in 6th position and press “Start Button”
Display will turn off again -> Calibration done!

The best way to check the calibration is to open the driver menu on PC to check if the right gears are engaged. If the game on PC still does not shift into the right gears please check the ingame button mapping! You can also see the process in our Video Manual:

Windows XP support discontinued

Since Microsoft dropped their own support (April 2014) of Windows XP after more than 13 years we are not longer able to support this PC platform. The last wheels/pedals/shifter driver which supports Windows XP is driver 144. Later driver versions use new software technology which is just not possible on Windows XP.

If your hardware or a new firmware requires a newer operation system we only can recommend to upgrade your Windows operating system to a newer version which will not be outdated for a longer while.

7th gear cannot be calibrated/used on my wheel

All Porsche and CSR Wheels do not support the 7th (locked) gear of the ClubSport Shifter shifter. Only the ClubSport Wheel and later products will support all gears of the ClubSport Shifter. Sadly this cannot be solved by a new firmware. The gears R-6 kann be used perfectly normal on all Fanatec CSR and Porsche Wheels on any platform.

On the Playstation 3 the 7th gear is not supported in general.

CSS (SQ) knob thread dimension

Which dimension does the shifter knob mounting thread of the ClubSport Shifter (SQ) have?

It is an M12x1.5 20mm screw thread to mount various shifter knobs. Here, 1.5 mm is the thread pitch.

NOTE: Some aftermarket shifter knobs may have a thread pitch of 1.75 mm. Therefore, it is important to be sure of the thread pitch which must be 1.5 mm.

How to calibrate the CSS / CSS V1.5 on PC with a CS USB Adapter

You can use the Clubsport USB Adapter in Shifter, Handbrake or Pedal mode. This video tutorial shows you how to flash the right firmware and explains how to calibrate the shifter afterwards:


The ClubSport Shifter needs to be calibrated before first use, no matter to which device (USB Adapter, Wheel Base) you connect it. The calibration will be stored inside this device and not inside the shifter. After the firmware of a wheel base or of the ClubSport Shifter is updated, the calibration would have to be re-done.

CSS (SQ) reverse gear does not get detected in games

8. February 2014:

The reverse gear does not get properly detected in games after the CSS (SQ) was properly calibrated in the driver window. We need to update the firmware to resolve the problem. Right now we prepare a new driver, a new firmware and an updater-tool to flash the ClubSport USB adapter as easily as possible. We hope that the software can be released within the next two weeks.

This FAQ article will be updated and the files will be uploaded to the download section of the ClubSport USB adapter.


Update – 13. February 2014:

A new beta driver has been released which contains a firmware updater to solve the issue. Please check this FAQ article to get the file:
FAQ article – latest beta driver

How to calibrate the H-Shifter (7GS & CSS) on the Porsche GT2 Wheel

Before first use the H-gated shifter (CSS & 7GS) must be calibrated to work properly. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed.

This procedure is also explained (incl. pictures) in the full downloadable manual of the product!

1. Connect the shifter to the shifter port of your wheel
2. Power the wheel on
3. Set the wheel into PC mode (press “Back” Button)
USB cable must be connected to engage the PC mode. For calibration you can connect the USB cable also to the Xbox 360 but the cable will NOT be needed later on for playing.
4. Press “Tuning Button” + “Start Button” simulanously
Display will show G_n
5. Move 7GS (shifter) into neutral position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_r
6. Move 7GS into reverse gear position (push stick to the very left position and up) and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_1
7. Move 7GS into first gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_2
8. Move 7GS into second gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_3
9. Move 7GS into third gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_4
10. Move 7GS into fourth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_5
11. Move 7GS into fith gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_6
12. Move 7GS into sixth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will turn off again -> Calibration done!

The best way to check the function of the 7GS is the driver Window on PC. Just open the Fanatec Wheel propeties page and check if the right gears are shown in sofware when you shift through the gears. In PC games you will have to map the gears to the proper controls in the game menu.

How to calibrate the H-Shifter (7GS and CSS) on CSR (Elite) Wheels

Before first use the H-gated shifter (7GS or CSS) must be calibrated to work properly. The calibration has to be done only once and will be saved in the firmware but it will be deleted after a firmware update. Please do it again after the wheel is updated/flashed.

1. Connect the shifter to the shifter port of your wheel
2. Power the wheel on
3. Set the wheel into PC mode (press “Back” Button)
USB cable must be connected to engage the PC mode. For calibration you can connect the USB cable also to the Xbox 360 but the cable will NOT be needed later on for playing.
4. Press “Tuning Button” + “Start Button” simulanously
Display will show G_n
5. Move 7GS (shifter) into neutral position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_r
6. Move 7GS into reverse gear position (push stick to the very left position and up) and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_1
7. Move 7GS into first gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_2
8. Move 7GS into second gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_3
9. Move 7GS into third gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_4
10. Move 7GS into fourth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_5
11. Move 7GS into fith gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will show G_6
12. Move 7GS into sixth gear position and press “Start Button”
Display will turn off again -> Calibration done!

You can also see the process in our Video Manual. The process works identically on CSR and CSR Elite Wheels.